+254 771 709656 Mkoroshoni - Malindi Rd., Kilifi, Kenya

Nursing Services

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Nursing Services

Our dedicated nursing team plays a pivotal role in delivering compassionate and comprehensive care to our patients. We offer a wide range of nursing services, with a special emphasis on Mother and Child Healthcare (MCH), Antenatal Care (ANC), and Family Planning.

Blue Nile Medical Centre

1.Mother and Child Healthcare (MCH):

Our MCH nursing services are designed to provide expert care and support to expectant mothers and their newborns. We understand the unique needs of both mother and child during this crucial phase of life:

Our MCH nurses offer prenatal guidance, education, and counseling to expectant mothers, ensuring a healthy pregnancy and addressing any concerns or questions.

We provide postpartum care for new mothers, offering assistance with breastfeeding, emotional support, and guidance on post-birth recovery.

Our MCH nurses specialize in newborn care, including neonatal assessments, feeding support, and education on newborn hygiene and safety.

Blue Nile Medical Centre

2.Antenatal Care (ANC)

We offer comprehensive Antenatal Care services to monitor the health and well-being of expectant mothers and their unborn babies:

Our ANC nurses conduct regular check-ups to track the progress of the pregnancy, assess fetal development, and identify any potential complications.

We provide a range of diagnostic tests and screenings to ensure the health of both mother and baby, including ultrasound scans, blood tests, and genetic screenings.

For mothers with high-risk pregnancies, our ANC nurses collaborate closely with healthcare providers to manage conditions and optimize maternal and fetal health.

Blue Nile Medical Centre

3.Family Planning:

Our nursing team recognizes the importance of family planning in ensuring the reproductive health and well-being of our patients:

We offer confidential and supportive family planning counseling to help individuals and couples make informed choices about contraception methods that suit their needs and lifestyle.

Our nursing team provides access to a wide range of contraceptive options, including birth control pills, injections, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and sterilization procedures.

We empower our patients with education on family planning methods, their benefits, and potential side effects, enabling them to make decisions that align with their family planning goals.


To become a state-of-the-art medical center renowned for delivering exceptional healthcare services.

To provide high-quality and affordable healthcare services to all individuals.

We uphold a friendly approach in all interactions, treating everyone with respect and humility. 

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